Fractie consists of five studies that explore the triangular relationship between sound, movement, and rhythm. The way in which our senses are stimulated can differ greatly depending on how these elements move. In this way, we can observe how movement changes when we listen to a sound and see how movement in turn can influence the perception of a sound. In this way, “studying” is seen as a simple state of observation of the organic flows between the chosen elements. Each study features its own bodily situation, its own soundtrack with its own composer, its own duration, and its own space. The idea to stage these studies as a self-standing work arose from a desire to take each study to its conclusion, beyond itself. In this way, the risk of perverting the objective state of analysis in the transition to the stage object, which is an integral part of the study, will be thwarted. Fractie posits the value of studies as a point of departure and a point of arrival. — CVA
Casting & credits
Choreography Cindy Van Acker Interpretation Cindy Van Acker or Tamara Bacci Sound composition Frédérique Franke, Philip May, Andrea Valvini, Basile Zimmerman Costume Aline Courvoisier Duration 33 min Creation July 2003, Festival le Far, Nyon, Switzerland Production Cie Greffe