Magnitude is based on a single, very simple movement: jumping with both feet. Each dancer performs a score that demands continuous concentration and self-effacement in favour of the group. It is precisely by observing all 22 dancers that the different scores that structure the piece become perceptible. At times, geometric patterns emerge; at other times, the group is animated by more organic movements. The dancers stand on a chessboard-like grid, pivoting and jerking as a group or in successive waves. Designed as a living monochrome, Magnitude is divided into four parts. Each part develops its own theme, energy, and rhythm. These four chapters follow on from one another without interruption.
Casting & credits
Choreography Cindy Van Acker Dancers Ballet Junior 2&3 Geneva Light Arnaud Viala Programming Victor Roy
The impact of one dancer landing may cause another to jump, but the momentum remains mostly imperceptible. The bodies seem to be lifted by invisible threads or mechanical force, as if the intention to jump did not involve drawing energy from the ankles, calves, or thighs. Their tense jumps capture that timeless moment, lasting a few tenths of a second, during which the hair flies and the breathing stops. The leap, repeated and choral here, is intrinsically linked to a gush of energy from the inside out, from within and without. A leap of exultation, endurance, and resistance, but also a solitary leap, caught up in a movement that brings together solitudes where each person organises themself to keep the promise of his commitment to the group. — AD