Obvie has something obvious about it. It is not only a moving body, that dances, that one looks at – but the generation of movement that is on display: its variations, its intensities like an inner current, a ceaseless tide. The impulses melt into one another, unfolding a very simple grammar that one deciphers phrase after phrase. The series, the variations, the changes in speed allow to glimpse the process at work, the path followed by each member to reach its full deployment. —Gilles Amalvi
Casting & credits
Choreography Cindy Van Acker Interpretation Tamara Bacci Sound creation Denis Rollet Light Denis Rollet Costume Aline Courvoisier Duration 27 min Creation March 2008 at ADC Genève Production Association Circomstances Administration and diffusion Tutu-Production, Véronique Maréchal, Simone Toendury