“The aim is to dehumanise the body and deconstruct emotions, not to reduce the personality but to transcend it and achieve a new organicity. Despite recognising human forms, the body is worked on as living matter, with the aim of achieving a confluence of movement, form, expression, and state. These are the fundamental principles resulting from years of solitary bodily research which, in confrontation with others, I hope will carry on developing and growing.” — CVA
Casting & credits
Choreography Cindy Van Acker Interpretation Tamara Bacci, Marc Berthon, Ismaël Oïartzabal, Corina Pia, Anja Schmidt, Diane Senger, Nathalie Tacchella, Jòzsef Trefeli Sound Creation Frédérique Franke, Philip May, Denis Rollet Light Luc Gendroz Costumes Aline Courvoisier Duration 100 min Creation Festival de Corps, Valenciennes, France Production Cie Greffe Coproduction Swiss Dance Days 2006 Residencies ADC studios, Aloïse, Kaaitheaterstudio’s With the support of Ville de Genève - Département des Affaires Culturelles, Etat de Genève - Département de l’Instruction Publique, Pro Helvetia - Swiss Arts Council, Loterie Romande, Société Suisse des Auteurs, Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung Administration and diffusion Tutu Production, Véronique Maréchal, Simone Toendury