Shadowpieces brings together ten solos, each built around the unique and privileged relationship established between the choreographer and his/her performers. The solo format allows a closer dialogue between the protagonists, a daily work providing more depth, more intimacy and empathy. Cindy Van Acker gives everyone a lot of freedom: it is the dancer who chooses his/her music, in a reserve of tracks that she has collected, a certain anthology of music, which counts as much electronic parts as instrumental titles, and which crosses the last century. 

Each solo is tailor-made for the performer, depending on his/her movement qualities, his/her morphologies, his/her sensitivities and dynamics, and his/her preoccupation today. The only aim predetermined by the choreographer being the intense relationship with the music.  The soli are objects in and of themselves, aiming to identify the colour, the energy, the expressiveness of each dancer. They can be combined at will, in a variety of indoor and outdoor spaces, individually or in groups.